Planning Design, and Construction Project Development Process Workflow graphic
This workflow graphic has the following content
There are two options
- * Maintenance Operations Work orders
- * Requests to Planning, Designing & Construction
Is the Maintenance Operations Work Orders or Request to Planning, Dsign & Construction a High Complexity?
- No
- Implement the Work.
- Yes
- Is this a project?
- Yes
- Project Process: Schematic Design Preliminary Design Construction Docs Permit Docs, Peer Review, Agency Review, Permit Issued
- Implement Work
- No
- Require a Permit
- No
- Implement Work
- Yes
- Use Annual Permit?
- Yes
- Implement Work
- No
- Project Process: Schematic Design Preliminary Design Construction Docs Permit Docs, Peer Review, Agency Review. Permit Issued
- Implement Work
- Yes
- Use Annual Permit?
- No
- Require a Permit
- Yes
- Is this a project?