University Space Management Program

Campus Planning, Design, and Construction (CPDC) is the delegated authority of the campus to develop, administer, and manage campus spaces (buildings and grounds) in accordance to:

  • PolicyStat ID 10747382 - Measurement Devices for Campus Physical Planning: the Space and Facilities Database (SFDB) is the centralized system for maintaining capacity space, providing information about facilities and space at each of the CSU campuses....SFDB data is maintained by CPDC and serves as the official central record of campus facilities and space for the CSU system.....CPDC issues an annual call letter for campus space updates, custodial and farm acreage space updates, and updates to private use information for tax-exempt bond funded facilities which is then reported to the State Treasurer's Office.

  • PolicyStat ID 8567706 - Standards for Campus Development Programs: The standards used in campus development programs of the CSU are divided into two categories; program standards and project development standards. Program standards are for achieving energy efficiency in excess of Title 24 of the Califonia Building Code and subject to continuous review and evaluation. Where there is a need for revision, it is the responsibility of the campus to notify CPDC. Project Development Standards are known as Space Standards. The California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC) approved space standards are used to calculate the type of space in a facility, and its size. The standards are a set of space formula multipliers for level, type, and category of instruction, for graduate research, for faculty and faculty administrative offices and for miscellaneous shops and storage; ensure that approved projects are completed within budget and within a construction period responsive to the needs of the applicant and feasible within the limitations of Facilities Services.

  • Space Modification and Renovation (SSU): Ensure a systematic and consistent procedure is followed in the development of proposals for the renovation and/or modification of campus space; establish a coordinated planning, health, safety, regulatory and code compliance review process for responsibilities performed by various departments and committees on campus; provide proper technical expertise to those developing such proposals, including compliance with all applicable local, state and federal regulations regarding construction, environmental health and safety; ensure that the full expense of the project is identified and that the necessary funds are authorized by the appropriate administrator before initiation of the project; ensure that approved projects are completed within budget and within a construction period responsive to the needs of the applicant and feasible within the limitations of Facilities Services.

  • Space Allocation and Management (SSU):  The Trustees of California State University are responsible for all Sonoma State University, regardless of the original source of construction or acquisition of funds, and have delegated authority to manage the facilities on a day-to-day basis to the President of the University. This authority is delegated to Campus Planning, Design, and Construction.

A facility space is a university resource allocated for use to departments and operating units (interior and exterior spaces). It is critical that the campus has an accurate inventory of all buildings and spaces for reporting which includes square feet, space type and function, division/department assignment, occupant, capacity, HEGIS code, and FTE (Full-time equivalent). A space audit is conducted annually and reported to the Chancellor's Office through the SFDB.

If departments/units are considering a space change, a work order and Space Change Request will need to be submitted for the following items:

  • Space/relocation/occupancy at the unit or individual level
  • Reassignment/transfer (Division and/or Department)
  • Space conversion and/or modification (example conference room to office)
  • Request for storage

Space changes will require CPDC approval. Space changes that include a transfer of ownership or space conversion/modification will require additional reviews including Campus Planning and University Space Advisory Committee (CPUSAC), Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs and/or Vice President of Administration and Finance/Chief Financial Officer.

For more information on relocation support services, please reference SLC, Section IX Non-routine Maintenance for further details. 

Please note that all furniture purchases are university property regardless of funding source. All furniture purchases will be held to campus standards and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Surplus equipment/furniture must be returned to central campus, where it is managed by Facilities Management for repurposing. Units/departments must submit a work order to initiate the need for furniture/equipment and/or removal of surplus furniture from the assigned space. 

Role and Responsibilities

Role Responsibility


Ensures assigned space is utilized in accordance with the designated usage and applicable utilization standards per the SFDB. Changes requests must be submitted by submitting a work order for review and approval. 

Campus Planning, Design, and Construction (CPDC)

Delegated authority to facilitate and approve interior and exterior space changes (regardless of funding sources)

Campus Planning and University Space Advisory Committee (CPUSAC)

Advisory committee to the Provost/VPAA and the VPAF/CFO

  • Review of resource allocations based on university strategies and priorities

  • Reallocation of vacated spaces

Facilities Working Group

Subgroup in support of CPUSAC: Provost/VPAA and the VPAF/CFO, AVP Facilities Management, AVP of Academic Resources, AVP Entrepreneurial Services, AVP Student Affairs

*VPAA - Vice President of Academic Affairs

**VPAF - Vice President of Administration and Finance

***CFO - Chief Financial Officer

****AVP - Associate Vice President